

I feel that now is exactly the time to delve into individual uniqueness
and get out of mass model.

School education is provided based on kind of mass model or standardization
model as a concept. This is the model which has been kept more than a half

That model seems to have worked well in the time of mass production and
consumption. However, social structure is rapidly changing.

The number of young people who can live happily getting on the traditional
model is limited. The function of the traditional model will still go worse
in the new society from now on.

The speed of change of the social structure is outrageous. It is like a
flow of big river and so hard to change it.

However, we can change (Of course, I never want you to misunderstand one
thing. I mean that I never insist that you should throw away even your morality
to adapt yourself to the new society! I personally believe that many young people
just want to grow in a good human way!)

It will be great for us to seek for unique life course that we can grow
on our own way no matter how much time we have to spend.

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