
Work with Passion

April 17, 2009

I listened to an English radio program, Smallbiz America Radio on iTunes.

It's a program for self-employed people and those who run a small business,
and there are a variety of topics in the program, which are basically related
to business.

In the topics, I heard a story that we should choose a career in which we
can work with passion.

I personally agree with it because I think that it's not so easy to continue
to work if I don't like my job or people tend to complain about their daily
jobs often.

As I also wrote in New Life, whether or not we like our job is a key in
choosing our career.

If we can do what we like for our career and maintain our daily life, I feel
that we are happy to some degrees in current society.

Some people say, "we have to work with endurance even if we don't like a job
for life". I understand it, but life is long.

In the society where we don't know when we are fired, like the current society
where there is a lot of stress, the concept, whether or not you like your job,
is a critical factor to be considered in choosing a job.

*This article was originally written in Japanese and not translated word by word.


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