
Is academic background an obstacle?


Because of academic background, some people lose their real self. Some people may
perform best in blue collar jobs, but they may try to get a white collar job because
of their academic background. I guess that this sort of people do exist a lot.

Those who are fit for physical labor will not perform best in office work and have difficulty
in getting promoted there. In addition, this sort of people may feel uncomfortable in depth
of spirit or feel something void sometimes. This kind of symptom tends to occur for those
who work in a wrong field.

With academic background, people tend to stick to it because of pride or bias. It may be
a piece of stuff, but it seems very difficult to throw it away. It may be difficult to change a
career and choose a blue collar job if classmates in university or college work in a white collar

In addition, people who have a university or college degree tend to set an inflexible career
course and high pay course obstinately.


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